For many years students have turned up to class, had an amazing time, and then asked the same question: 'where can I watch this online??' We have also had students who bravely turn up for a first class only to struggle and find that learning to dance doesn't come easy right off the bat (not their fault by the way!!) and who have needed some careful nurturing to keep them on that dancefloor. Finally, we have students rush their way through the beginner levels and then find they plateau just before it gets exciting.... All these people are prone to quit and therefore miss out on what can be the most amazing dance journey. For all these reasons we have developed and created our series of SalsaLisa Online Courses. We know there is one just right for you, click here to browse the options.
You can work through the modules in your own time and at your own pace, it's all broken down and easy to follow so you can grow in confidence. We have included one of our Salsa Timing practice tracks so you even have music to dance to and help you find that rhythm.
Get your courses today and fulfil your dancing potential!!
We are here to help with any questions you might have so get in touch.
SalsaLisa xx